
New construction, fit-ups, migrations, upgrades, third-party integration and more.

Do you require programming and graphics for a new job?
Give us what you have (prints, specs, submittals, sequences) and DSG will implement a solution for your job.

Not familiar with certain controllers or short on time?
Have your field tech get units online and let DSG carry out the rest of the integration.

Do you have a site that needs migration or upgrades?
Let DSG move your installation to a different platform, add security patches or transition to new versions.

Tridium/Niagara Programming

R2, AX or N4 - DSG has plenty of experience using Vykon, Honeywell, Distech, Johnson Controls brand Niagara software.

Distech Controls Programming

ECB, ECL and ECY controller programming is available.

Tridium/Niagara Graphics

DSG can deliver a clean graphical user interface with 2D or 3D floorplans.

Building Automation Consultation

Building Automation Consultation - Let DSG review your BAS needs and goals to see where we can help.

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